The following information about the history of the Brseč Fishing Association (Ribarska zadruga), whose founding and operation is covered in Chapter 2, “The Sea,” is from Anton Uhač Butigerski, also known as Tonić Butigerski.
The association was founded on March 27, 1956 with the following fishermen: Srećko Galović Županićev, Ernest Škalamera Ulijanin, Ivan Škalamera Kapitanov, Ivan Vitas Tinjančev, Vitomir Velčić
Pešćinarov, Avelin Velčić Pikićev, Petar Dujmović Belančićev, Josip Žitinić Cresanov, and Anton Uhač Butigerski.
Founders-supporters were: Mate Kersulić Olgin, Mario Žitinić Cresanov, Josip Barković Cucov, Petar Valčić Batelanov, Miro Pajalić Meštrov, teacher Milan Uremović, engineer Cvetko Premuš Gabrijelov,
and Riko Premuš Macanov.
From 1956 to 1958, the association employed 20 fishermen. The following men were hired:
A total of 38 fishermen from the Brseč area have worked in the Brseč Fishing Association.
In 1961, the association merged with the fish can factory Ika and Fishing Company Volosko.
After the merge, the following people stopped fishing and started working at the factory: Ivan Vitas, Josip Žitinić, Emil Franković, Mario Farožić, Vinko Filipaš, Danijel Uhač, Gašpar Barković, Josip
Galović, Božo Blaženić, and Anton Uhač Butigerski.
The factory employed the following people from the Brseč area, men and women: Danijel Kosec, Mario Žitinić, Anton Velčić, Stanko Jurinović, Petar Barković, Vlado Velčić, Aldo Kersulić, Dinko
Škalamera, Marino Hrelja, Ruža Barković, Elza Jedretić, Veronika Franković, Vera Franković, Marina Dujmović, Smiljana Galović, Ljubica Galović, Ivanka Možetić, Jasna Premuš, Jolanda Uhač, Zora
Valčić, Mira Uhač, Ana Hrelja, Marija Jurinović, Bruna Mavrović, Vilma Mavrović, Anđelka Kersulić, Zorica Velčić, and Milica Uhač.
The Brseč Fishing Association enabled entrepreneurs from the area to start several companies, which are among the largest in the northern Adriatic. The owners, captains, and fishermen in those companies are typically the sons of experienced fishermen, members of the association. It’s worth mentioning:
From Golovik:
In Mošćenička Draga, the fishermen are:
Mošćenička Draga has a long tradition of fishing, and it’s worth mentioning old fishermen: Pepin Babačić, Bino Frolja, Dane Martinčić, Zvančić Rosović, File Sandalj, Andre Dešković, brothers Vilo and Teodor Dešković, Tone Puh, Stano Ivančić, and Josip Lazarić.
The following people are trap fishermen in the areas of Brseč and Mošćenice: